Fan Art, Patches (coolest patch ever!), and $500 statues...that's GGG's news this week...but WHO CARES if it's the end of 3.14's Ultimatum, there's an infinite amount of Path of Exile to discuss! Brittleknee joined us this week, which is just awesome, every time, and we talked about our wild "aluminum foil hat" guesses to what could/should get modified/added for 3.15, we laugh at people that don't know what a teaser is (again), Bubble Numbers (translated by Tagz and BK), and lots of awesome side-tracked PoE conversations (which always end up the best subjects). Also, if you know anything about the rat/bird (behind the Templar on the login screen), let us know, please. We must know! Thanks BK for joining us and thanks to everyone for the listens!
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