Want to talk about Sims and Hearthstone? We don't! Do you want to know what we wish? We'll tell you what we wish. Want to know what we hope? Oh, we'll tell you. But you know what we really want to talk about? Blight. And Delirium stats. Well, those are cool but that's not actually what we wanted to say. We want to talk about LOOT! Let's talk about loot, baby. Let's talk about you, and, me. Let's talk about all the good rolls and the bad rolls that, can, be. Let's talk abooooouuuuut looooot.
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Want to talk about Sims and Hearthstone? We don't! Do you want to know what we wish? We'll tell you what we wish. Want to know what we hope? Oh, we'll tell you. But you know what we really want to talk about? Blight. And Delirium stats. Well, those are cool but that's not actually what we wanted to say. We want to talk about LOOT! Let's talk about loot, baby. Let's talk about you, and, me. Let's talk about all the good rolls and the bad rolls that, can, be. Let's talk abooooouuuuut looooot.
Twitter @ForeverExiled82
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