Daaaaang! It's episode 40 already! That's basically 100. This episode features talk about Trump not touching video games, our end of league private league, what item weight means to us, PoE MOBILE (barely...but I had to put it in there :)), and lots of other gems...well, not skill gems, just gem gems. Jewels, but not PoE jewels...just good content...we saved the best for last, m'kay? Thanks for listening
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Daaaaang! It's episode 40 already! That's basically 100. This episode features talk about Trump not touching video games, our end of league private league, what item weight means to us, PoE MOBILE (barely...but I had to put it in there :)), and lots of other gems...well, not skill gems, just gem gems. Jewels, but not PoE jewels...just good content...we saved the best for last, m'kay? Thanks for listening
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