I LOVE Repdigits. They're simply the coolest numbers. So you know something big is up when we have to miss our first ever episode, a repdigit episode (episode 111), in which BK was going to join us. So, we thought we'd treat you to our 50th episode, where we interview the musical legend at GGG, Kamil. We LOVED this interview. It's worth a second listen to, let alone a first. Thanks for all of your kind words of encouragement and prayers as we deal with our emergencies. See you next week!
"Oh my goodness. We had so much fun with this interview. In this episode, we interview Kamil Orman-Janowski, Music Director and Composer at Grinding Gear Games. If you've ever had the tingles from a league announcement, mystery box promo, teaser trailer, boss battle, or even your favorite encampment, it's courtesy of Kamil (The Tingler). Justin and I LOVE the music in PoE and had a million questions waiting for him...luckily for us he was very polite and was kind enough to pretend to like our company. We hope you enjoy the interview as much we did. Thanks, Kamil! And thank you, everyone, for the listens."
Kamil's Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ormanjanowski
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KamilOrmanJanowski
Website: https://www.kamilormanjanowski.com/
Forever Exiled Info:
Twitter @ForeverExiled82
Check out some of our recent interviews!